Water hardness in Arnhem
The water hardness in Arnhem is approximately 6 dH. This is certainly not bad, but there is still plenty of room to improve this. With a water hardness of 6 dH, there is still a considerable amount of limescale in your water. For example, with normal use of 150 m³ of water per year, you will have approximately 16 kilos of lime. In our opinion that is quite a lot. We would like to offer you a solution through the Amfa4000®. This system removes calcification and softens the water.
Less limescale with the Amfa4000®
If you would like to use softer water and you live in Arnhem? Then you can choose our Amfa4000® anti-limescale system. It is the perfect solution to prevent limescale in the water. The system is very easy to use. You can install it yourself and therefore do not need a technician. The system will also last a long time. Read some benefits below:
- No technician required
- Save other costs
- Faster hot water
How hard is the water in Arnhem?
As mentioned earlier, the water hardness in Arnhem is certainly not bad. However, several kilos of lime can still be found in your drinking water every year. When you choose the Amfa4000® you solve hard water. This is a major advantage, because it means your household appliances will last longer and the water will heat up faster. It also saves a lot of other costs. You do not have to buy new household appliances because they are damaged by limescale. In addition, you do not have to perform any maintenance, you do not need a mechanic and the purchase costs are also low. Your home will remain very tidy due to the reduced limescale deposits. After all, you don't have to worry about limescale in the sink or in your shower.
Across the water in Arnhem
Several companies are responsible for drinking water in the Netherlands. These companies are spread over different regions. The company responsible for drinking water in Arnhem is Vitens. Although the water hardness in Arnhem is not nearly as bad, it is still wise to use an anti-limescale system. This allows you to benefit from various advantages, such as water that heats up faster.
If you have any questions, please contact us
You may always have some questions. If you have any questions about our Amfa4000® anti-limescale system, for example, please feel free to contact us. We will tell you more and answer all your questions.
AMFA 4000
Mi az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer?
A Amfa4000®, a vízlágyító alternatívája, amely biztosítja hogy a vízkő többé ne tapadjon a csövekhez, csapokhoz, csempékhez és háztartási készülékekhez.
Az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer előnyei:
Svájcban tesztelve és megfelel az EU irányelveinek. A termék CE jelöléssel rendelkezik. Könnyen telepíthető 5 percen belül. Az Amfa4000®-nél nincs karbantartási költsége, mivel az innovatív készülék karbantartásmentes. Működésének és hosszú élettartamának köszönhetően tartós