AMFA5000MOST IDEIGLENESEN $374.00 -tól $280.00 -ig
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Water hardness in Baarn

The water hardness in Baarn is approximately 6.5 dH in most places. This makes the water quite hard, but certainly not bad. In general this is fine, but there is still lime in the water. The amount of lime and therefore the water hardness in Baarn also depends on the exact location. With a water hardness of 6.5 dH, 1000 liters of your water still contains about 115 grams of lime. You can solve this with the Amfa4000®, and we are happy to help you with that.

Reduce limescale with the Amfa4000®

If you live in Baarn and you want to reduce water hardness, we offer you the solution. The Amfa4000® helps you with this. This anti-limescale system ensures that the amount of limescale in your water is reduced. The anti-limescale system is a very good alternative to a water softener. It is very easy to attach; You click the magnet under the tap and this doesn't even take you 5 minutes. The magnets ensure that magnesium and calcium particles do not mix with each other. This way the water becomes many times softer.

  • Limitation of limescale deposits
  • Durability of household appliances increased
  • Finer and tastier water

What is the water hardness in Baarn?

Your current water hardness in Baarn is certainly not bad. With a water hardness of 6.5 dH, the water in Baarn is by no means bad for both humans and animals, but it can always be improved. There are still studies that debate the correlation of water hardness and eczema, so it can't hurt to ensure that the water hardness in Baarn for your home is reduced. Relatively speaking, your water is actually quite good, the water hardness in Southern Europe can sometimes even be 50 dH. Yet there is always room for improvement and with the Amfa4000® you can achieve this.

Influence of water hardness on household appliances

Limescale deposits in household appliances are a well-known phenomenon, you have probably experienced this before. Limescale is significantly reduced by lower water hardness. This affects, among other things, your boiler. This will reach the right temperature sooner (just like the kettle) and you will also save on energy costs. In addition, your shower, for example, becomes dirty less quickly, so you have to clean less. If this has aroused your interest, you can contact us or order the Amfa4000® in our webshop.

AMFA 4000

Mi az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer?

Amfa4000®, a vízlágyító alternatívája, amely biztosítja hogy a vízkő többé ne tapadjon a csövekhez, csapokhoz, csempékhez és háztartási készülékekhez.

Az Amfa4000® Pro vízkőmentesítő rendszer előnyei:

Svájcban tesztelve és megfelel az EU irányelveinek. A termék CE jelöléssel rendelkezik. Könnyen telepíthető 5 percen belül. Az Amfa4000®-nél nincs karbantartási költsége, mivel az innovatív készülék karbantartásmentes. Működésének és hosszú élettartamának köszönhetően tartós
