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Water softener Radar

You may have seen various pages on the internet with the subject 'water softener Radar'. On these pages an attempt is made to debunk the operation of the magnetic anti-limescale systems. These sites indicate that they have conducted research due to consumer demand. They get this 'question' from various forums that can be found on the internet, including magnetic descaler Radar. However, the operation of our anti-limescale system has never been discussed in a Radar broadcast. The critical points of, for example, to the Amfa4000® are purely based on negative reviews and unrepresentative websites and articles.

We believe it is important to clearly inform you as a consumer about the advantages and disadvantages of limescale in your water and the effect of a
magnetic descaler to reduce limescale. That is why we have a page for the operation of the Amfa4000® and we address the negative reports about our product on certain other sites.

Distorted information

As previously indicated, one of the sites that has done 'research' into the operation of anti-limescale systems is cost-water softener.NL At first glance this looks reliable and comprehensive, but there are some snags that we would like to point out to you.

Reviews from 'customers'

The page on which the operation of our magnetic descaler is questioned links to a number of review platforms, including There you can view reviews about the Amfa4000®. When you land on the site, you will see that there are 5 review options and that the 'Poor' and 'Very Poor' options are automatically checked. If you don't notice that, scroll down and see only bad reviews. But if you look at the top of the page, you will see that our company scores an average of 4.4 out of 5 stars on So don't be misled by the automatically checked review options and turn everything on so that you can also see and read the good reviews. You are entitled to all information.

Not just informative

On the Radar page of Cost-Water, the first part of the disclaimer states that the publication of the page is purely informative. However, that is not the case as they use words like 'magic' and 'scam'. These are clear attacks on our product, even though they have no evidence that our anti-limescale system is not working. The page therefore appears to be intended as a strategy to convince consumers not to buy the Amfa4000®.

In addition, they clearly state that magnets do not remove limescale from the water and therefore do not work. Magnets do not indeed remove lime from the water, but ensure that the crystal structure changes so that it no longer precipitates and a hard lime layer is not formed. So it does indeed work with a high magnetic field. The Amfa4000® has magnets that create a balanced and effective magnetic field.

Conflicting scientific evidence

Over the past 40 years, various studies have been conducted into the effectiveness of magnetic descalers. The results are varied and sometimes even contradictory. The website quotes chemical physicist Heiko Jan Mein by posting a link to a newspaper. In that newspaper he states that as long as there is no convincing evidence for its effectiveness, it is a money grab. But earlier in the article he says the following: “The desired effects can only occur to some extent at very high magnetic fields” (Mein, 2020). How high that magnetic field should be is not explained by him, but by the website cost-water on the 'Anti-limescale system Radar' page itself. That would be 500 GAUSS. The Amfa4000® has a force of 1600 GAUSS. More than double what is needed to achieve the desired results.

In addition, a German test is being conducted. This test was last performed in 2000. In the forum below, Test, who carried out the test, stated the following on February 2021: “The test of the so-called physical water treatment systems (1/2000) carried out at that time was extremely complex and expensive. In our opinion, nothing groundbreaking has happened in the meantime with regard to the underlying operating principle” (translated). They say 'in our opinion', but this is presented as irrefutable proof that the Amfa4000® cannot work.

Below you will find a selection from other research literature on the influence of a magnetic field on the formation of limescale:

 Lundager Madsen, H.E., Influence of magnetic field on the precipitation of some inorganic salts. JB.C.Growth, 152, (1995) 94‐100 Source
 Gabrielle, C et all, Magnetic water treatment for scale prevention, Wat.Res., 35, (2001) 3240‐3259 Source
 Botello‐Zubiate, M.E. et all, Influence of magnetic water treatment on the calcium carbonate formation and the electrochemical corrosion behavior of carbon steel., J.AllComp 369, (2004) 265‐269 Source
 M e.a On reduction in the surface tension of water due to magnetic treatment, Coll.Surf.A 278 (2005) 252‐255 Source
 Kney,AD and S.a Parsons, A spectrophotometer‐based study of magnetic water treatment: Assessment of ionic vs. surface mechanisms., What.Res., 40 (2006) 517‐524 Source

All these sources are, whether consciously or not, not mentioned in the messages that question the operation of a magnetic descaler.

Commercial tires

The second part of the disclaimer states the following: “We have no commercial ties with parties or brands that we mention in our publications”. However, everything indicates that the website is a lead generator. It is part of OfferteAdviseur. The people behind the website get paid to offer quotes and leads to consumers. We at Water think that those quotes mainly come from other providers. They therefore probably benefit from other anti-limescale systems being sold. Cost-Water pretends to be an independent website, but will probably receive compensation if a magnetic descaler is purchased through them. That makes it difficult to believe that they are completely independent.

Misleading disclaimer

The second part of the disclaimer is not incorrect, because they do not mention brands in their publications, for which they send quotes to potential consumers. For example, they have no connection with our company, but they do mention us. It is possible that they have connections with other vendors of anti-limescale systems and therefore do not name them. Then they remain true to their disclaimer. With the disclaimer they make possible consumers believe that they are independent and have no commercial ties at all.


Hopefully we have informed you sufficiently about the various messages that have been published about magnetic descalers. This way you can form a better picture and make a well-considered decision. If you have any questions, you can always contact us.
